Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Some people ask me how I read so many books.  I have never considered myself an avid reader but I do average finishing 1-2 books/week and usually have three books going at one time so not too crazy and I'm not ignoring my kids all the time but I'll let you in on my secret--multi-tasking, that wonderful invention made by women :)  Over half the books I "read" I listen to while running/exercising, cleaning the house, or in the car driving the kids around.  I have learned that I can only listen to certain kind of books and save the thick nonfiction or heavier content ones for the old-fashioned paper and spine type.  For the car, I do books on CD (you can do mp3 too, just easier with the CD for me) and they have to be relatively short, easy to follow since I listen in 10-20 minute increments, and appropriate for little ears to hear as they actually like to listen in. 
Going on a road trip? Get a book to listen to as a family.  We have listened to Harry Potter and many other great books together in the car.  Where do you get these audiobooks?  I don't think I've purchased a single one as the Arapahoe County library system has a great variety but check your local library for selection.  A lot of audiobook websites have also sprung up that might be worth looking at like audiobooks.com or audible.com.  How do you get ideas for books? Check out Goodreads to connect with your reader friends and see what others have to say.  The rating system is pretty accurate and very helpful.

Our next book for bookclub is Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley and both Aurora and Arapahoe library systems have audiobook options but you may have to get on a waiting list but check it out.  My husband and I listened to some of the other books in the series during roadtrips and they were a pleasant way to pass through boring Wyoming.

Happy reading or listening, whatever your preference!

(posted by Alicia)

1 comment:

  1. I love a good audio book. Harry Potter on audio is my favorite. I listen to Jim Dale reading to me every single night. :) I just love the voices he does! Glad you and your family have enjoyed them too.
